((( The Sadhana is full. If you would like to be added to the waitlist or would like to hear about the next one email toshayoga@gmail.com )))
Sādhanā : "a means of accomplishing something", 1. is an ego-transcending spiritual practice. 2. It includes a variety of disciplines in order to achieve various spiritual or ritual objectives.
Do you need a reset?
Join Suzanne Dunning for a five-week Ayurvedic cleanse and yoga intensive either in person or online to help bring you into balance and vitality.
A sādhanā is a set period of heightened intensity of practice- it’s essentially stepping up our game for the purpose of growth. This Sadhana is a committed five-week program in which to deepen your health by establishing the stable framework of a home yoga practice, making dietary and lifestyle changes, and adding gentle herbs to assist the process of detoxification and internal reset.
Fall is already a time of change and is an ideal time to support the body in releasing waste which, in turn, greatly supports our immune system. This program is focused on clearing out waste and distractions from all parts of our our life to reveal an existance that is simpler, less stressful, and overall, more meaningful.
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Friday Mornings
8:00 - 12:00
October 16th- November 13th
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Yoga Intensive ::
Perhaps you’ve always wanted to have a morning yoga routine- or perhaps you had your own practice at one time but have gotten away from it? This program will help you build (or rebuild) a home practice into your life.
Establishing a self practice is challenging- the distractions are endless and it’s easy to become discouraged. But for most people- the rewards for a home practice are well worth the effort. A daily self practice brings a resiliency and depth to your experience of yourself, and will slowly but powerfully transform you as you align with more innate energy and strength.
Throughout the week we will carefully and methodically build the habit of a morning yoga practice using the container of the group for support. By the end you will have built the pattern of daily yoga into your day.
Our weekly practice session will focus around a deep, long Vinyasa practice followed by breathwork and meditation. This practice will give you a strong boost to your daily practice.
As always, the practice will be modifiable to meet your needs- encouraging you to listen to the wisdom of your body and to rest or modify when needed.
Dinacharya ::
Along with your morning yoga you have a regimen of Dinacharya (daily self-care)- which will consist of small, joyful changes toward health and well-being.
We will incorporate various daily practices including dry brushing and self-oil massage (abhyanga) with herbs to support the lymph and detoxification systems.
We will be adjusting our diet according to Ayurveda to support detoxification and to balance our body with the season of fall. Herbs, teas, and essential oils will be used to supplement our health.
You will also be given assignments for clearing out various parts of your life such as clearing clutter and becoming conscious of relationship patterns.
Lets see what’s possible!
Together, as we make this 30-day commitment to practice, we create space for new possibilities, become calmer and more at ease, and commit to transforming patterns that are weighing us down.
To focus our efforts and unearth buried parts of ourselves we will follow the guidance of the metaphor of the Koshas- a framework presented in Yoga Philosophy for understanding the body. Kosha means "sheath" in Sanskrit. In yoga, the term is used to describe metaphorical layers within the human body- consisting of layers such as the physical, the mental, the emotional etc.
Through the five weeks of this sādhanā we will journey through the five koshas within ourselves while developing a practiced tone of self-love.
This sādhanā is a recommended prerequisite if you are considering enrolling in Suzanne’s teacher training program.
The online version of the Sadhana will be done through recorded Zoom videos. You will be emailed all handouts and mailed the herbs for the program ahead of time.
To enroll in the program :
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be ready to commit to practicing yoga for thirty minutes daily
be motivated to make changes to your diet - this will be modifiable to meet your needs and life constraints
be able to set aside at least a few hours a week to self-care, cooking, and a home re-vamp
be willing to release old patterns and step into change and growth
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($350 if paid in cash before Oct. 1st)
Register with Venmo @ toshayoga - Please indicate if you would like the online or in person version of the course and if you would like the online version please provide your email address.
Alternately please email Suzanne at toshayoga@gmail.com to arrange paying with cash or mail a check to Tosha Yoga PO Box 645 Arcata, CA 95518. (Also please indicate your email address and if you would like in-person on online)
There is a payment plan available.
The price of the program includes the in-person sessions on Fridays as well as the herbs you will need (which are gentle and minimal- no extreme purging and cleansing here folks- just easing ourselves back to a state of balanced well being!).
A note on the online program: if you are doing the online version of the program you will need to register by October 1st in order to not have your herbs for the course delayed in their arrival to you.
Suzanne has led seasonal yoga sādhanās for years - it is one of her favorite ways to share yoga because it is a sustained and deep enough commitment to really witness the transformative power of the practice.
She has her degree in Integrative Medicine from UC Berkeley and has worked as a coach teaching people about the healing powers of food as medicine.
She is also a trained clinical herbalist- and studied with Christa Sinadinos at the Northwest School for Botanical Studies.
She studied Ayurveda with Peter Malakoff and essential oils with David Crow of Floracopeia. She is thrilled to offer a program that incorporates all of her passions into one experience.
Please email Suzanne with questions or to arrange paying with cash suzannedunning@gmail.com