Yin Yoga is a quiet contemplative practice that is yielding and nourishing.
It invites us into ample periods of stillness, which can provide insights that may move us to make significant changes in our life.
During this 3-part exploration, we will work through specific regions of the body to move and understand the energy that resides there. Yin yoga removes blockages deep in our connective tissues, allowing our inner energy (Chi/Prana) to flow unhindered.
Our focus each week will be the following:
Week 1: Legs/Feet/Lower Body
Week 2: Abdomen/Pelvis
Week 3: Chest/Heart/Upper Body
Come for the entire series or choose just the classes that work for you.
Please bring a journal and wear comfortable clothing.
$65 for all 3 classes OR $25 per class
About Jess: For most of her life, Jess has been engaged with many forms of active (yang) movement. It wasn't until a knee injury 3 years ago that she discovered the healing benefits of slow, methodical movement to be of great guidance. At first, there was much resistance to slowing down. It was uncomfortable to be in a state of stillness because the mind would wander and true emotions would surface. With patience and a desire to heal deeply limiting patterns, she found that staying with these held postures while breathing allowed for a mighty release and a shift throughout her body and mind. This cooling, surrendering style of movement (yin) began to offer a new perspective of inner acceptance and a path to unfolding joy. One form of movement is not of more value than the other. It is the weaving of yang and yin interchangeably that provides us the tools necessary towards living a more balanced state of being.